PZ's MP3 Bible Study

Join Pastor Zac as he leads us through his MP3 Bible Study covering the books of Matthew through Philemon, in 3 chapters a week (Hence the name, "MP3"!).

Wednesdays at Noon and 6:00 PM
(Both sessions cover the same content.)
Beginning in September, 2024 and running through May, 2025, Pastor Zac will lead a weekly MP3 Bible Study twice each Wednesday. There is also the option for anyone to create their own small group based on this study. Answers to your questions and all of the resources you need to participate in this study are below. Check out the details and join in on this fun adventure through 13 books of the Bible!

The Details:

You have questions, we have answers . . .
What does MP3 stand for? Is this about music?
This isn't about music. MP3 stands for “Matthew through Philemon, 3 chapters a week.” We will begin with the Gospel of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, and read 3 chapters together each week. By the end of May 2025, we should be through Paul’s final letter to Philemon. The study will cover the gospels, the book of Acts, and the letters of Paul.
What is the format?
MP3 is designed to be a conversational Bible study and is meant to be fun! (Yes, Bible study can be fun!) Each week, we will begin with a couple of opening questions. Then, we will discuss the high points of the three chapters we read. Finally, we will discuss lingering questions from participants. Each week PZ will provide opening questions and “high points” for each of the three chapters. Participants are encouraged to read the 3 chapters ahead of the class
How will I know what to read each week?
The chapters that we will cover each week will be published in the bulletin insert “yellow sheet” the previous Sunday. Each week on our website (www.atoneluth.org/pzmp3) we will include the chapters, PZ’s opening questions, and PZ’s “high points.”
When will this class meet?
Pastor Zac will lead MP3 sessions each Wednesday from September, 2024 to May, 2025. The first session is from noon until 1:15 PM. The second session will be from 6:00-7:15 PM. (Both sessions will cover the same chapters each week.)
Can this be a small group study?
Yes, MP3 is designed to be a small group study! Anyone may get the discussion questions from our website each week and lead a small group of their own. You do not need PZ’s permission to form a group. You do not have to come to PZ’s class either! Your small group can meet anytime.
Do I have to attend every week?
No! PZ understands that 9 months is a long time for a Bible Study, and it may be hard to attend every week. Participants are invited to attend whenever they can. Each week will focus on the 3 chapters of that week, so participants can jump in at any time.
This sounds like fun! When will the first class occur?
The first class will be on Wednesday, September 11th at noon and 6:00 PM. And, you can get a taste of MP3 on Sunday, September 8th at 9:45 AM in Charter Hall during our first “Family Sunday.”